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Who is blue2purple?


Our philosophy

You, your employees and ours, projects never attempted until now… and especially your digital aspirations.

Our priorities are based on

Your success is an integral part of the blue2purple dynamic
Our motivation: enabling growth

You, your employees and ours,
projects never attempted until now…
and especially your digital aspirations.

Our priorities are based on

Your success is an integral part of the blue2purple dynamic
Our motivation: enabling growth


You are the center of all our attention. Sharing knowledge creates success. Choosing blue2purple gives you access to exclusive conferences and events like Virtuology Digital Week, with its essential What’s Next Digital, Lisbon Web Summit and Belgian Delegation, not to mention Digital Champ’s Open Sessions.

All of these moments are geared to you. For you, by us… to help you get in tune with tomorrow’s digital marketing trends. #StrongAloneUnstoppableTogether. That’s the recipe for fruitful collaboration, motivated by common challenges and goals. The experts in the Purple Team become partners to your success by using their skills to serve your needs.

Real complicity

Whether you are a client, team member, partner or provider, your relationship with blue2purple is a long-term one. Success is a matter of regular dialog based on mutual trust.

We believe in creating genuine complicity with you since you are entrusting us with your brand. Our ethics are simple: you deserve full transparency. Let’s dare to risk failure together so we never miss a chance for success.
Making the step to outsourcing is never an easy thing to do… Our company policy lets you keep full control over all activities managed by the blue2purple Team.


Agility or the concept of the infinite loop. From one iteration to the next, we mustn’t shackle our ambitions or the means to achieve them. Our performance has to be in line with a strategy of continuous optimization, without hindering our ability to create, together, the perfect match between the ideal campaign and its optimal execution.

You are unique and in the best position in your sector of activity to define your business targets.

Digital marketing is growing exponentially in terms of inventories and opportunities. Being at the cutting edge of technology puts us one step ahead of the rest. blue2purple will create a leverage effect between your business objectives and the results obtained.

Our expertise serves leading global brands

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